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Aquarium Cabinet Kit 20 G

Aquarium Cabinet Kit 20 G

Question asked by Mr Dubard / France

You do not use a filter with activated carbon in your TUNZE aquarium cabinets. Is there a special reason for that ?
The tank I am thinking of setting up will have 1,200 litres of salt water. For filtration you recommend a water throughput of 8 to 10 times the gross volume per hour. Shall I use three 20 G kits and one TF 09 kit ?
The outlet 1076/2 will be placed vertically in a concrete wall. Are extensions available ?


In our ecological biotopes we use activated carbon for specific purposes only, i.e. for short periods of time. In general, this carbon is used in refill cartridges of type 870 directly in the quick-run filter for a period of eight days only. The effect on the yellow substances dissolved in the water is comparable to the use of larger quantities of carbon. We are of the opinion that the trace element absorption remains restricted in this way. For this reason, we never use activated carbon for a longer period of time. You may use a sack with carbon directly in the cabinet filter, taking advantage of the diffusion principle.

For your 1,200 litre salt-water tank, we recommend the use of only one 20 G filter and not three !! If the aquarium water is well treated, the water throughput may be a little lower, whereby the rule of ten times the volume per hour is not applicable here. However, the current in your artificial reef is of overall importance. We recommend 4 x 4,000 l/h, i.e. a TF16 kit with four Turbelle electronic pumps. At a later point, this kit can be supplemented with additional pumps.

You may extend the outlet 1076/2 at the borehole without any problems; however, please stick to the diameter of 40 mm.

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