Info about VAT

On the website all our prices shown are local prices including VAT of your country.

In the shopping basket you may find different prices.
Because the products are sent from Germany to you, german VAT is calculated in pricing for purchasing products online.

Your Trolley

Quantity: Designation: Unit price: Total price:
Cartridge Filter 800
0800.000 21.58 EUR 21.58 EUR
Equipage mobile
1073.057 62.42 EUR 62.42 EUR
Mounting Arm Base (Base Only)
KSP003 56.58 EUR 56.58 EUR
Rejilla protectora
6205.200 9.92 EUR 9.92 EUR
Total: 150.50 EUR
Postage and packing: 9.90 EUR
Total: 160.40 EUR
VAT: (0.00 %) 0.00 EUR
Total: 160.40 EUR
To change quantity, please overwrite current value and click on "Update" button.
Click here to submit the order. =>